image of Agüera y Arcas
Microsoft best engineer Agüera y Arcas will be leaving microsoft and joined google . He work with microsoft since 2006, when the company acquired his Seadragon startup.
Agüera y Arcas went on to become a key software architect, helping
develop and build Microsoft’s Bing Maps and the image-stitching
Photosynth software. When he moves to Google he will be working on
machine learning, reports The New York Times. This could prove a little annoying to Microsoft, who have also been focusing intensley on machine learning recently.
Microsoft no doubt will feel the loss of Agüera y Arcas. The
announced depature was revealed only a few days after a new Photosynth
preview was shipped to the web. In a statement to The New York Times, a
spokesperson from Microsoft said: “he was a great colleague and we wish
him the best in his future endeavors.”
It’s not very often that we see Microsoft empolyees leaving to join
Google. When Google employed the former vice president, Kai-Fu Lee,
Microsoft sued the company, emphasizing the strong rivalry between these
two high-profile companies.
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