It's happening some time you forget your linux root password then what you do ?
Ok so today i will tell you how to recover linux root password if you using Backtrack , kaali linux or any other linux Os then this tutorial help you .
You can reset linux password by booting system in single user mode or we can call it emergency mode :D
So some stpes you have to take to reset password :
1:Select the kernel
2:You can press the "e" button to edit entry
3:Select the line which start with the key work "kernel"
4:Press the "e" key button so that you can append single user mode
5:Append the Letter "s" to the end of the kernel line
6:Press Enter button
7:Now press "b" button to boot the linux single user mode
8:When you see prompt typw "passwd" command to reset password
You need to mount at least / and other partitions:
Change the root password, enter:
Finally reboot system:
When you get the # prompt you will need to type passwd root to reset password:
Reboot system:
If you need any type of help in this topic comment below , if you like this post must share it & keep visiting
Ok so today i will tell you how to recover linux root password if you using Backtrack , kaali linux or any other linux Os then this tutorial help you .
You can reset linux password by booting system in single user mode or we can call it emergency mode :D
So some stpes you have to take to reset password :
1:Select the kernel
2:You can press the "e" button to edit entry
3:Select the line which start with the key work "kernel"
4:Press the "e" key button so that you can append single user mode
5:Append the Letter "s" to the end of the kernel line
6:Press Enter button
7:Now press "b" button to boot the linux single user mode
8:When you see prompt typw "passwd" command to reset password
You need to mount at least / and other partitions:
# mount -t proc proc /proc
# mount -o remount,rw /
Change the root password, enter:
# passwd
Finally reboot system:
# sync
# reboot
My boot loader is LILO
At LILO boot loader type linux single and press [ENTER] key:Boot: linux single
When you get the # prompt you will need to type passwd root to reset password:
# passwd
Reboot system:
# sync
# reboot
If you need any type of help in this topic comment below , if you like this post must share it & keep visiting